
What’s the Best Shampoo to Pass a Hair Follicle Test?

Last Updated on March 14, 2023

Did you know that in 2017 researchers conducted over 10 million drug tests in various workplaces in the U.S.?

There are many types of drug tests that can be done, including urine, blood, saliva, sweat, and hair, which has been the fastest-growing drug testing method in America and what we will be focusing on in today’s article.

If you’re reading this article, we’ll assume you have a hair drug test coming soon or you just want to be prepared for any situation. Whichever one it is, we do have a few solutions for you to try in the case of a drug test.

The first one, which is the one we recommend the most, is simple: using a specific shampoo to pass a hair follicle test. If you can’t do that, we have two other ideas that might help you.

Curious to know more about this drug test and how you can pass it? Keep reading!

What Is a Hair Follicle Test?

We’ll get to the magical solution in a bit, but first, let’s understand what is a hair follicle test and how it works.

The name of the test is pretty self-explanatory: it’s when a collector chops off at least 1.5 inches of your hair, which is then taken to a laboratory for professionals to analyze it.

You might not think about it while you’re enjoying your vice, but some drugs stay in your system for a while and if your employer or university decides to do any type of drug test, you can find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

Among all the drug tests, the hair follicle one tends to be the preferred one, as its results are usually pretty accurate. Plus, not only can it disclose if you’ve been using drugs, but it can also detect which drugs, how much of them, and when you used them.

How Long Does THC Stay in Your System?

When the lab professionals are inspecting your hair, they’re often looking for tetrahydrocannabinol, otherwise known as THC, which is a chemical that can be detected even months after you’ve smoked.

Now, it’s important to mention one thing: there’s no specific time that THC remains in your body as it depends on factors like how much you usually use and your body fat percentage.

However, you can have a vague idea by reading about the factors that affect this time frame and comparing them to your smoking habits or even by using a marijuana drug test calculator.

But enough with the scary stuff. Let’s move on to the solution!

What’s the Best Shampoo to Pass a Hair Follicle Test?

If you’ve been looking for a way to pass your hair follicle test for a bit, we’re sure you’ve come across several different solutions.

Some are more reliable than others, but if your budget and time aren’t an issue and you’re looking for the one that is most likely to work, then you need to buy a detox shampoo for hair drug test. And of course, we have a suggestion for you.

The Macujo Aloe Rid Shampoo is a very gentle best hair detox shampoo for drug test that will eliminate any residue, pollutants, chlorine, oils, and impurities not only in your hair but on your scalp as well.

Use it every time you wash your hair, as you would with your typical shampoo, and your hair will be clean and healthy as can be. But for the specific situation of the hair drug test, our advice is that you follow our specific method, Mike’s Makujo Method.

This procedure combines the Aloe Rid shampoo with baking soda, Clean and Clear Astringent, Liquid Tide and vinegar. It sounds like a weird mix, we know. But it does have a 90% success rate at hiding the use of moderate levels of marijuana!

Some Extra Tips on Hair Detox Shampoo

So, the Aloe Rid shampoo is a great option for you to pass the test.

However, there’s always a possibility that you can’t spend that much money right now or that it won’t be shipped in time for your test. Don’t panic!

If you can’t get the shampoo we’re recommending, there are two other tips you can try in order to pass the hair follicle test:


This one won’t work if you’re in a hurry to get rid of all the THC that’s still in your system, of course.

But if you have time, a great solution is to stop smoking for a bit and wait for whatever amount of time you need to, according to how much you typically smoke.

Do keep in mind that, as we said before, you can never be 100% sure about how long it’ll take for the chemical to leave your body. Therefore, this option might not be the most reliable one.

Bleaching Your Hair

Bleaching your hair is a very aggressive procedure and, if you bleach enough times, it can eliminate drug metabolites. However, this will severely damage the health of your hair, so you might want to try another solution.

Shave Your Head

This is a pretty extreme solution, but if you’re nervous nothing else will work, it’s definitely one to consider.

You should know, however, that your employee will likely ask to use hair from another part of your body. So, this might be the time for a full-body shave.

Keep Your Job and Your Weed

It’s true that there’s still some stigma associated with the use of marijuana, but if you’re someone who does a great job during their working hours and enjoys a good joint during their free time, you know the two are perfectly reconcilable.

So if you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to get rid of any marijuana residue, follow our advice and use the best shampoo to pass a hair follicle test.

If you have any questions about this or any other drug test, shoot us a message. We’ll be more than happy to help you!


Best Hair Detox Shampoo: Macujo Aloe Rid


When you have a drug test coming up, you need the best hair follicle detox shampoo to help you pass it. Macujo Aloe Rid is the top choice in detox shampoos because it works for everyone. You can beat a hair drug test with this shampoo because it is made by the experts in the industry. Macujo Aloe Rid was created to be a more affordable option to completely remove drug metabolites from hair. So, just why is Macujo Aloe Rid the best?


  • Cost effective
  • Permanent solution
  • Multiple washes per bottle – up to 15 washes
  • Works with any kind of drug
  • Guaranteed to work with Mike’s Macujo Method
  • Helps heavy users pass tests


  • This shampoo is the best because it helps even very heavy drug users beat hair follicle drug tests.
  • Even with only two weeks’ notice of a hair test, users were still able to successfully pass their drug tests by using Macujo Aloe Rid and mikes Macujo Method.
  • Mikes Macujo customer service guarantees that users will pass their tests if they follow the instructions of the hair follicle shampoo and they are right!

Failing a drug test isn’t going to happen when you use this shampoo as directed. You also won’t totally damage your hair because the Macujo Aloe Rid works to detoxify your hair gently as it completely gets rid of the drugs. Don’t use any other type of hair follicle test shampoo; Macujo Aloe Rid is the best one to help you get a pass on a hair test.

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Kassy Wood

2 years ago

I have a hair follicle test by the 16th I have meth amphetamines and cocaine in my system

Macujo Method

2 years ago

please call us 866-647-7277 12-6pm eastern time. Mike will give you the exact amount of washes for your specific case


2 years ago

Hi. I have a hair follicle test coming the next 21 days I was a heavy smoker everyday for years. But I stop April 27- then I used again on June 17th. Also a user of Percocet heavily. Is there any luck of me passing my hair follicle test and also I used 60mg of Percocet on this day June 4th and yesterday June 3rd I used 80mg. My daughter is on the line. Do I have any hope of passing. Pls let me know mike.

Macujo Method

2 years ago

please call us 866-647-7277 12-6pm eastern time. Mike will give you the exact amount of washes for your specific case


4 years ago

I have read that relaxing your hair works better than bleaching. If you are a chronic user of the hardest metabolite to remove will relaxing bleaching then redyeing and doing your method work.


4 years ago

Hi, my husband and I have a current cps case and we have a 90 day hair test comming up. They test for everything including alcohol..we of course need to be clean of EVERYTHING. Since our last 90 day test there has been a one time moderate use of methenfed. Opiates and alcohol. We should be past the cutoff date and levels but just want to be sure. Need advice on the best method and ingredients. Budget is an issue but not necassarily time. Thanks so much


5 years ago

When showering after I do Mike’s macujo method I should just use the nexus shampoo correct? I smell like vinegar on my shirt


5 years ago

Yes use the nexxus aloe rid at the end , and anytime your washing your hair even if your not doing mike macujo method at that time you should wash with the nexxus aloe rid . And if your shirt smells like vinegar, we need to wash it


5 years ago

I just started using the Macujo Method yesterday, doing 2-3 washes. I wouldn’t say I was a heavy smoker because my usage has been on occasion. But when I did use, it would be grams over like a 3 or 4 day stretch. I had been clean before October 2019, but from there I smoked heavy around Thanksgiving, & Christmas Eve. I haven’t used since then and I am on my 4th wash so far. My test is Jan 6th 2020. Do you think I will be ready to pass?

Mikes Macujo Method

5 years ago

try to do at least 10 mike macujo washes that should be enough keep in mind this will only work with the original nexxus aloe rid it will not work with testclears aloe toxin rid


5 years ago

I have a hair drug test coming up in the next month I’ve only been a day clean from THC I was a heavy smoker probably 2 or 3 times a day and wanted to know what would be the best method to use to clean my hair ?

Mikes Macujo Method

5 years ago

Mikes Macujo method can detox your hair and will prepare for your test. Based on your usage, you may need to do some certain washes. Call me at 866-647-7277 between 12pm – 7pm on weekdays, I can help you – Mike

Chuy salinas

5 years ago

I use coke first time in years .I won’t get tested for the next three months what’s the best method I could use ?

Mikes Macujo Method

5 years ago

Follow the instructions of Mikes Macujo Method


5 years ago

Mikes macujo method with Nexxus aloe rid is the only method that will permanantly remove cocaine, It will only work Nexxus aloe rid or the new generic Nexxus aloe rid. Aloe toxin rid is not nexxus aloe rid and will not work to remove cocaine

find out how many macujo method washes are needed


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